Non verbal communication in action in Ericksonian hypnosis
12 mai 2011
The practice of hypnosis has officially existed since 1841 when the Scottish surgeon James Braid enacts the principle
that another state of consciousness (EMC, altered state of consciousness).
In 1891 Professor Hyppolite BERNSTEIN coined the term "psychotherapy" which defines a technique for
creating a language other state of consciousness in order to pass sentences directly to the brain. This altered state of consciousness allows the hypnotic suggestions to turn an
unconscious mechanism of solution or distraction from pain.
With Professor Milton H Erickson, hypnosis is "Ericksonian."
During his youth he diligently observed her sisters and realizes that there are external signs to
verbal language. They could say "yes" and body movements betrayed a "no" silent. This is the beginning of calibration, the detailed observation of the body and
the famous non-verbal communication through body language.
Ericksonian Hypnosis considers the individual as unique, and this follows a tailored approach for each
patient. This automatically excluded the theories about the ways of thinking and the standardization of the therapeutic method. The individual unconscious is
the most requested because it is a vast reservoir of solutions compatible with the patient. The same unconscious expressed in nonverbal communication to bypass the traditional
system of cognitive communication. The work is done in altered state of consciousness. This condition appears only after a lengthy rationalization verbal and
nonverbal patient's vital signs by the practitioner.
Then in the 1950s emerged a new trend coming from the school called "Palo Alto"
bringing the "new
hypnosis". These are additional technical suggestions where new concepts are developed in the sense that the language becomes more permissive in its
expressions. It does not say "you get into such a place that is like this and you see it in such a color." Moreover, the notion of "brief therapy called"
became synonymous with Ericksonian.
Parallel to this a comprehensive summary of everything that exists in the field is created through the neuro linguistiques (NLP) with Messrs
Bandler and Grinder, theorizing the model and the perfect gesture to know to reproduce. Leading to identify the ills in the words or "hard to say" in sickness, in order to get
the virtuous circle in which evil be installed, anchored, and self feeds. This represents only 70% of the starting technique.
EMDR is known within the 80 (or eye
movement desensitization and reprocessing), but also from Ericksonian techniques. Your eyes communicate non-verbally when you speak.
Everything mentioned
techniques for tracking real and efficient work on the unconscious, huge and untapped resource consciously as censored by the ego, the concept of what you are straight away and
This pre-supposes that depending on your environment you build a proper business conduct, which results in capacity, leading to values or beliefs, forging your identity of
the moment to finally generate a philosophy. The unconscious is that, simply put, effective immediately.
Unfortunately if the solution does not exist here, where
she is?
In year 90, Olivier Lockert (Hypnotherapist and Teacher Ericksonian Hypnosis) reverses the model and creates the Ericksonian Hypnosis Humanist where this work is finally done
extra ordinary state of consciousness (CES), and therefore more aware of ... This is similar the work called transpersonal, and the solution is in the exchange and evolution of
the patient.
The nonverbal begins where?
During the first telephone contact terms used in your User oral explanation induce subliminal language your user registration information and your way of
restitution. If you speak using words relating to "see" you're more visual, the sound of words and sounds you are hearing; words rather smell you smell; words directed buccal
area you are tasting, or a good mixture of all the sensations you're kinesthetic. The answer that you can agree must be verbalized in the same mode of
expression than the show. Your position also brings into the conversation whether you are introverted or extroverted, the glass is half full or half empty?
The first physical contact, the flow of your voice, your breathing, eye movements during dialogue, posture right or left, physical tics, tics of language ... all these gestures
and words of benign sweat your daily "you" deep . For some it goes through an internal dialogue before each response, a form of self censorship that your eyes
show your knowledge. Same problems in pathology. The practitioner must observe you in depth to lock on you language, breathing, posture and another to create a
real state of empathy.Sometimes some of your words sound like leitmotifs. This allows to know which way the tender exercise therapy.
Then pass a
state exchange "mirror" where you are in a state of feeling that the practitioner understands. Warning empathy is a subtle mechanism of understanding without projection of
oneself in another, or intellectualization of the pathology of the other.So this is not the sympathy which the person complains sincerely with all his heart the pain of the other in
projecting them.
To establish that the practitioner is in the down position and he knows nothing. So zero projection of his life in the patient, and only uses the patient's
pain through his words, or vice versa. Then comes the moment when the patient is gradually entering a state of acceptance of what the practitioner does or tells him, talking to
him he makes her do things short and simple as the patient again mechanically. You scratch your nose, blink of the eye. Then the words used become constraints
sprinkled into the conversation.Your unconscious has become ultra communicating because the simple subject, it validates directly. It creates a visual signal such
as "walrus". It is the "signaling". Your brain is so close to the second phase of the exercise in non-specific language.
The non-specific is the art of paraphrasing so much to Molière in "the precious ridiculous." "Bring me the amenities of conversation? A chair
of course. "
At this stage of the exercise, the patient is altered state of consciousness, the therapist through the use of adjectives related to the lightness
suggest a levitation of the hand (the hand that rises automatically). This is done without specifying which, without saying "the hand rises" is a
metaphor. Only the unconscious knows exercise. In an exercise called the method of Rossi, the right hand will rise to certain problems, left to offer
solutions, they can join, or when communicating on each metaphor or solutions. The patient communicates in nonverbal and unbeknownst to itself, allowing the therapist to know
where is the work of solution. Just as each question asked by the therapist, the subconscious responds.
During treatment, the language used should be as neutral as light, as positive as possible. Above all, never say "I'll hurt you" or "it does not
hurt." Why?
The reptilian brain does not understand the denial, and receives information as a child of six years. The subtle nonverbal is to
divert attention to another area which is not solicited. Example in the case of a bite on his right arm, bring attention to the other arm.To relieve pain, try to
put them into a pleasant memory in the subject. All these techniques can effectively act without giving a direct order.
Among the disabled and the elderly,
exercise imaginations of gender dissociation (be here physically and mentally elsewhere) can cause the brain to disconnect pain centers.
The nonverbal is present.
It does not say "you have more or less badly hurt." Only the construction of a story, a tale brings a dream tour to
the door of the unconscious, the time needed to provide care.Breathing in these exercises is driving the development of well-being. Imagination guided by the
therapist through the language of the senses creates the rest.
The bottom left to read between the lines to communicate with the unconscious.
Give an illusory
choice between two similar things that invalidates the negative, "you have the choice between getting up to go to coffee or getting up to look out the window."The choice to stay in
bed is evacuated. You wake up.
Speaking otherwise, the person who says "I can not walk" ... should be required to say "I'm sitting and I can see, hear, taste,
talk ...." They are reframing that disarm the evil being.
In conclusion, I quote Mr. Milton Erickson:
"All your life you learned ... and you can
sort through your memories, your hopes,
your expectations and desires, and organize your learning differently so that this new organization to serve your evolution and your
well-being "
Dimitri BULAN Hypnotherapist Practitioner.